Our Research.
Why is The Cancer Alternative Foundation Research Promising?
We have been asked how The Cancer Alternative research team has been successful in helping clients with advanced cancers, where many world class cancer centers experience low recovery rates.
The answer is "suspension of disbelief." Since we are analysts and researchers, not doctors or scientists, we can review all the work done by others - in the medical profession, molecular biology, advanced DNA research, cellular level nutrition and in the natural healing world - without preconceptions of how things should work.
Our research indicates that a combination of nutrition-based therapies works best, with the least impact on quality of life.
The Cancer Alternative Foundation team will continue to refine both our conclusions and our recommendations, to the benefit of cancer patients and their care givers.
We believe that when you seek cancer care, you should have access to the therapies that will allow you the best chance to recover fully. We are actively working toward wide acceptance of safe, natural therapies such as aggressive changes to diet, into the practices of cancer centers to improve patient quality of life, longevity and decrease lifetime cost of care for cancer patients.
Please see our Cancer Questions, Researched Answers and Resource links for more information.
Comments from Cancer Alternative Clients
"I was so confused. My friends were all offering advice, my doctor wanted me to have surgery and start chemo right away, everyone sent me articles about the latest and greatest 'miracle cure'. I really didn't know what to do. The Cancer Alternative helped me focus, so that I could select a healing direction and work more effectively with my oncology team."
"The information on diet really helped me right away. I felt better within days. All the recommendations are understandable. I am 83 years old, but am able to make diet changes that will help me to enjoy my remaining years."
"I only used an alternative treatment for myself because I witnessed a friend use alkaline therapy to easily defeat his cancer. If only I had known before all the chemotherapy and radiation I had!"
To pose your research request, please fill out the form at Contact Us
The Cancer Alternative Foundation staff is engaged in research to help cancer patients. At the present time, the research team works on two areas of research: General Ongoing Investigations and Outcomes Documentation.
General Ongoing Investigations
Our present areas of ongoing research include:
1. Alternative cancer treatments and supporting science
2. Evaluation of claims by treatment centers and providers
3. Foods that contain both toxins and their antidote
4. Relationship between blood type and cancer treatment success, by treatment type
6. Outcome relationship between specific alternative treatments and specific cancers
7. The role of nutrition therapy as a support for both alternative and conventional cancer treatments.
Outcomes Documentation
In fall 2013, The Cancer Alternative Foundation, initiated a project to systematically document alternative and conventional treatment outcomes called The Alternatives Outcomes Database.
This project will be a long-term effort, requiring cooperation between providers, doctors, hospitals and cancer patients.
To date, requirements have been developed to serve the needs of all stakeholders and a basic database design and portal concept has been developed.
This project is seeking dedicated funding. If you or your organization would like to assist with this historic effort, please contact us or donate here.